//  University


Module: Getting Started

Persona: Manager

What is StaffCircle?

StaffCircle Logo

StaffCircle is an Employee Success Platform which combines engagement, culture, and performance management in order to help employees and their respective organisations achieve and align their goals.

Our system is customisable, therefore every StaffCircle platform is entirely unique. You can use the navigation to the left-hand side of your screen to view the different courses in the University, noting that some areas may not have been configured for your platform.

StaffCircle can be used for many purposes, including:

  • Creating and managing personal objectives using our Performance Management module, and displaying clear incremental progression. Showing how personal objectives feed in to other objectives and contribute to your company’s overall objectives.
  • Conducting regular reviews from quick 121s to annual appraisals in order to keep a record of conversation between you and everyone concerned.
  • Providing real time feedback to your peers using the Awards and Feedback feature, and allowing employees to know that their efforts at work are appreciated.
  • Book your annual leave, or record the days that you were away from the business.