How StaffCircle delivers better performance results
How is StaffCircle’s ROI calculated?
We use a range of industry-approved stats and our customer feedback to determine your potential ROI.
The key stats:
- StaffCircle customers had an average employee turnover rate of just 17% last year!
- On average, companies using StaffCircle can increase employee engagement by 74%!
- Highly engaged teams are 21% more profitable!
Productivity savings
You hire employees for productivity that is (at minimum!) equivalent to their wage.
Gallup states that businesses with highly engaged workforces achieve 17% higher productivity.
Productivity savings = Number of employees x Average annual salary x 1.5%
We’ve kept calculations on the conservative side, and calculated productivity costs based on every employee producing their own wage in revenue.
If you focus on engagement, employee productivity will increase. To reflect StaffCircle’s engagement processes, we’ve added an uplift of 5% to the baseline figure.
Turnover savings
Every time a disengaged employee leaves, you incur extra costs. This includes costs such as recruitment, lost productivity and temporary role cover.
SHRM states that every employee departure costs a third of their annual salary.
Turnover savings = Number of employees x Average annual salary x (33% x (stated employee turnover rate – 17))
The global average turnover rate sits at a worrying 35%. The good news? StaffCircle customers boast an average turnover rate of just 17%.
Our automated performance management, engagement and development tools help you build a loyal and driven workforce
Powering performance with StaffCircle’s automated tools
StaffCircle is easy to navigate and user-friendly, it’s heads above any other Employee Platform we have used.
When StaffCircle was introduced, KPIs and performance management became so easy, clear and concise.
Everything a business needs is all in one platform. It has solved our HR issue of not having everything in one place.