Mobile App

Engage your hybrid team with StaffCircle’s app

Consistent performance processes for front-line, office and hybrid workers. Connect the disconnected, no matter their location.

Connect the disconnected with StaffCircle’s performance app

Siloed processes affecting engagement?

Best-practice performance shouldn’t be reserved for desk-based employees. Engage them all with our simple mobile app.

Performance tech for every employee

Make better performance accessible to front-line workers who don’t have access to Office 365 or a computer.

Perform, engage & develop: anywhere

Use our proven tools and processes to deliver your strategy and create better business outcomes.

John S.

Great tool for performance management

“We have a distributed workforce: some are front line without a laptop and some are desk-based with Office 365. The front-line guys only have mobiles so StaffCircle’s app unifies our performance management practices.”

Better performance, no matter the device

Level the playing field with barrier-free access to performance, development and communications for all employees. The StaffCircle progressive web app (PWA) brings best-practice processes to the devices your team use.

Digitise performance processes

Start using modern performance approaches, without overcomplicating your processes with StaffCircle’s simple app interface and manager dashboards.

Engage and grow: anywhere

Place development in your employee’s hands with a user-friendly smartphone app, push notifications, holiday booking and activity feeds.

Accessible development for all

Remove the disconnect between front-line, blue-collar, office and hybrid workers with consistent processes that support everyone’s needs.

One platform: any device

Whether your employees use a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile, StaffCircle’s platform uses SSO and no Office 365 license requirement.

What our customers say

Working on site I like to have the ability to view updates / KPIs / annual leave requests on my mobile via the app

StaffCircle is an excellent tool for people managers like me with a large team

StaffCircle’s platform and app bridges the social gaps between remote and hybrid workers

Take a guided tour of the StaffCircle app

Create a transparent development culture and enhance succession planning. See for yourself how automated employee development software nurtures high-performing employees.